Saturday, June 25, 2011


"Screenplay" seems like a good solution for mobile working with new or imported screenplays. It even has that feature where it guesses what is the next style you need. And it's less than 1/30th of the price of the market leader Final Draft!
It's too bad though that they so far only has it in iPhone version. It's screaming for an iPad version.
There's a video and a PDF manual (with screenshots) on this page. The video in particular shows it to be surprisingly full-featured for an iPhone app. (Granted, my experience with screenplays is very limited.)

Update: My goodness, it does exist for iPad! How strange that their site does not hint at this. This version is a bit more, ten bucks, but that's still 1/17 of the price of Final Draft, so I'll say that even if it turns out to have crippling shortcomings, that's a very economical way of entering the screenwriter market and not have to format everything manually (screenplays have very specific formatting).

iPad web statistics

comScore: iPad Claims 89% of Worldwide Tablet Traffic, article.

... Heck, we knew it is a one-horse race so far, but this graph really hits it home!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Charge your gadget over the fire

In the wilderness, but still needs a couple of days more charge on the Kindle and the iPhone? Charge your device on the same pot you cook your food in! That's way cool. Sorry, hot.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Secrets From Apple's Genius Bar: Full Loyalty, No Negativity

Secrets From Apple's Genius Bar: Full Loyalty, No Negativity, WSJ article, full one (has to be via google for some reason.)

Don't miss the phenom of Apple Store Dancing... !

There are currently about 300 different dancers doing this! If that's not solid evidence of a company entering young cultural mainstream, I dunno what would be!

Analyst: Android US smartphone share drop to continue

Analyst: Android US smartphone share drop to continue, article.

I did not see this coming. Everybody though Android would take the lion's share of the phone market with hardly a fight.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Huawei unveils 7-inch tablet running Android 3.2

Huawei unveils 7-inch tablet running Android 3.2, article.

I'm not sure what its raison detre is, apart from it having a 217ppi screen, which admittedly I consider an important feature after having seen what high resolution does for text on the iPhone 4.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Beware of Spam Titles in Kindle Store

Beware of Spam Titles in Kindle Store, article.

I've run into this. Thousands of titles published by the same author, with junk content. I really don't understand why Amazon don't charge at least $20 to publish a book, it would help the situation so much in a single step.