Tuesday, October 18, 2011

E-paper art

See, this looks nice (it's an iRiver Story display, high rez):

... it makes me think that big versions of non-backlit screens may have a future as art displays. Especially if they solve the contrast problems (the lack of white).  A little battery could power such a picture for months if the image changed only, say, once per day. And the tones can look very nice, especially if tinted a bit blue or sepia, methinks.

Color would be nice, but putting color filters over anything makes it a lot darker yet, so I'm honestly doubtful if it can be done with a non-backlit screen.

1 comment:

TC [Girl] said...

Eolake said...
"A little battery could power such a picture for months if the image changed only, say, once per day. And the tones can look very nice, especially if tinted a bit blue or sepia, methinks."

Yes...sounds lovely! Are you working on that, yet? I'd sure like to see that and, possibly, even own one! ;-) (I can, of course, see it in my mind's eye...thanks to the example that you have given.)