Wednesday, December 1, 2010

SmashWords, pushing ebooks

On my main blog, readers have often recommended SmashWords as an excellent source of ebooks. Smashwords is a distributor, not a publisher, and they are growing rapidly. They sell ebooks through their own site, and also through Apple, Sony, and B&N. They expect Amazon also soon. I think it is interesting, both as reader and writer. Here is an interview with the founder. And here is their page about how they distribute, written for the authors.


TC [Girl] said...

Eolake said...
"Smashwords is a distributor, not a publisher, and they are growing rapidly."

Really, Eo? I just ask 'cuz the article begins w/stating that they are a publisher. (I haven't finished listening to the audio, yet. Started it, last night. Just 15 minutes in, at this point.)

Eolake Stobblehouse said...

So far as I can tell, they don't apply any selectional process to the books at all, they take everything. That makes them not publishers.

TC [Girl] said...

Uh, OK. Perhaps just an error in wording of the interviewer, then.